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1844 The First Babies Christened in Little Trinity Church
“In Toronto’s Church of England history, St. James Cathedral and Trinity Church as indissolubly united because they are the two oldest parishes in the city -- Trinity building however, is the older, as the cathedral has been destroyed by fire twice.

Historic Little Trinity Abt, 1870
The church is known to many as Little Trinity in order to distinguish it from the larger Trinity Church on Trinity Square, and which came about in this way - an unknown benefactress left money for an endowment, on condition that the church should be called Trinity Church. As there was already a Trinity Church in the city, some perplexity arose as to the matter, so the difficulty was solved by calling the Yonge St. church Holy Trinity and the church of this article is known far and wide as “Little Trinity”.
When the church was first erected, like nearly all Anglican churches, it had extensive galleries. These have all been removed and arrangement of the pews altered -- these in the old days were the old fashioned high-backed class, now the seats are low, and afford no chance for an attendant at the service to slumber unawares. The church’s book of christening records goes back to the first to take place within its walls. In faded ink one finds each christening numbered, and the very first is listed with the baby’s names as: Charles Horace, son of William Gooderham, miller, and Harriet Gooderham. The baby’s birth was listed as February 18, 1844 and the christening was held the very same day. One reason for this may be the fact that another christening the same day and listed as number 2 on the record book was that of James Gordon Worts, son of James G. and Sarah Worts. Young James Gordon was born several weeks earlier, however, on December 18, 1843.
The Gooderham family had a history of important service not only in church work, but in the defense of our country. When Canadians began getting ideas about independence and self sufficiency back in 1860 and threw out the Imperial troops, they suddenly found themselves with no troops of their own to take over. Consequently what was then the 10th Toronto Regiment of Volunteers became the Royal Grenadiers through the active work of several Gooderhams who continued to hold key military posts in our nation's earliest army organizations.
Thus it is not surprising that a church like Little Trinity should have developed in its adherents a great, patriotic pride along with their religious spirit, and that they should make a tremendous contribution in World War I, and another important contribution in World War II. In World War I, no fewer than 481 young men from the one church enlisted, and 62 of them never returned...Today there are six memorial tablets on the walls of the church, two in memory of former rectors. The other four are in memory of William Gooderham, his wife Harriet Gooderham, James G. Worts and his wife, Sarah."
1844 The First Babies Christened in Little Trinity Church
Little Trinity Church was supported by members of the Gooderham and Worts families from its earliest days and contributed heavily to both World Wars.
Owner of original | GG |
Date | Mar 25 2019 |
Linked to | Little Trinity Church, Toronto, ON, Canada; Charles Horace Gooderham; James Gordon Worts |
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