
Matches 1 to 50 of 122

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 #   Description   Starting Individual   Individuals   Families 
1 AAG family and descendants Private: (A.A.G.) 6 3 
2 AHC family and descendants Private: (A.H.C.) 6 2 
3 AMG family and descendants Private: (A.M.G.) 5 3 
4 ARG family and descendants Private: (A.R.G.) 5 2 
5 BERT family and descendants Private: (B.E.R.T.) 5 2 
6 BGW family and descendants Living: (B.G.W. b~1951) 3 1 
7 BHG family and descendants Private: (B.H.G.) 5 3 
8 BNS family and descendants Private: (B.N.S.) 4 2 
9 BWH family and descendants Living: (B.W.H. b~1946) 3 2 
10 CCG family and descendants Private: (C.C.G.) 4 2 
11 CDR family and descendants Living: (C.D.R. b~1951) 3 2 
12 CHJD family and descendants Private: (C.H.J.D.) 3 2 
13 CKY Family and Descendants  Living: (C.K.Y. b~1965) 0 0 
14 CLJ family and descendants Living: (C.L.J. b~) 2 1 
15 CLS family and descendants Carolyn Louise Sutton 6 3 
16 CRG family and descendants Charlotte Ross Gooderham 7 3 
17 DAG family and descendants Private: (D.A.G.) 0 0 
18 DBW Sr. family and descendants Private: (D.B.W.) 4 3 
19 DCW family and descendants Living: (D.C.W. b~1953) 2 3 
20 DEF family and descendants Private: (D.E.F.) 5 2 
21 DJC family and descendants Living: (L.P. b~2009) 2 2 
22 DLC family and descendants Private: (D.L.C.) 5 2 
23 DPW family and descendants Living: (D.P.W. b~1948) 2 1 
24 DRC family and descendants Dorothy Roberta Crease 6 3 
25 DS Jr. family and descendants Private: (D.M.S.) 2 1 
26 DVG family and descendants Living: (D.V.G. b~1956) 2 0 
27 EAW family and descendants Private: (E.A.W.) 4 3 
28 EDBM family and descendants Private: (E.D.B.M.) 4 2 
29 EG Family and Descendants Private: (E.A.G.) 3 1 
30 EGB family and descendants Private: (E.G.B.) 2 1 
31 ELM family and descendants Private: (E.L.M.) 4 5 
32 ERHC family and descendants Private: (E.R.H.C.) 5 2 
33 Ezekiel Gooderham and descendants Ezekiel Gooderham 231 69 
34 FDP family and descendants Private: (F.D.P.) 3 1 
35 FJM family and descendants Private: (F.J.M.) 4 1 
36 FJP descendants and inlaws Francis "Frank" John Phillips 31 16 
37 FJS family and descendants Private: (F.J.S.) 4 2 
38 GDNG family and descendants Private: (G.D.N.G.) 5 2 
39 GFH family and descendants Private: (G.F.H.) 6 2 
40 GFM family and descendants Private: (G.F.M.) 4 2 
41 GHG family and descendants George Horace Gooderham 30 16 
42 GHS family and descendants Private: (G.H.S.) 4 2 
43 GN family and descendants Private: (G.M.) 0 0 
44 GSG family and descendants Living: (G.S.G. b~1941) 6 3 
45 HDF family and descendants Living: (H.D.F. b~) 0 0 
46 HDG family and descendants Private: (H.D.G.) 4 2 
47 HES family and descendants Private: (H.E.S.) 4 2 
48 HES Family and Descendants  Living: (H.E.S. b~1943) 4 2 
49 HGM family and descendants Private: (H.G.M.) 7 2 
50 HGS family and descendants Private: (H.G.S.) 5 2 
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