
Matches 51 to 100 of 119

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 #   Description   Starting Individual   Individuals   Families 
51 HGS family and descendants Private: (H.G.S.) 5 2 
52 HHM and Descendants Living: (H.H. b~) 2 1 
53 HSG II family and descendants Private: (H.S.G.) 6 3 
54 IDMB Family and descendants Living: (I.D.M.B. b~1946) 2 1 
55 IDR family and descendants Private: (I.D.R.) 4 2 
56 JamesWorts James Worts 143 43 
57 JAP family and descendants Private: (J.A.P.) 4 2 
58 JBG family and descendants Private: (J.B.G.) 5 2 
59 JBW Jr. family and descendants Private: (J.B.W.) 5 2 
60 JDS Family1 and Descendants Living: (J.D.S. b~1944) 2 1 
61 JFRF family and descendants Living: (J.F.R.F. b~1925) 4 2 
62 JFWR family and descendants Private: (J.F.W.R.) 5 2 
63 JGGIII family, ancestors and extended family Living: (J.G.G. b~) 4 0 
64 JGM family and descendants Private: (J.G.M.) 5 3 
65 JGW 5th family and descendants Living: (J.G.W. b~1940) 2 1 
66 JHW family and descendants Private: (J.H.W.) 6 2 
67 JLD family and descendants Living: (J.L.D. b~1944) 2 1 
68 JLS Familiy & Descendants Private: (J.L.S.) 6 2 
69 JLT family and descendants Living: (J.L.T. b~1965) 2 0 
70 JPW family and descendants Living: (J.P.W. b~1944) 2 1 
71 JRGD family and descendants Private: (J.R.G.D.) 4 1 
72 JTM family and descendants Private: (J.T.M.) 4 2 
73 KEG family and descendants Private: (K.E.G.) 6 3 
74 KW family and descendants Living: (F.K.W. b~1951) 2 1 
75 LNH family and descendants Private: (L.N.H.) 5 5 
76 LTB family and descendants Private: (L.T.B.) 7 3 
77 MBB family and descendants Private: (M.B.B.) 2 1 
78 MEA family and descendants Private: (M.E.A.) 5 2 
79 MEWG family and descendants Private: (M.E.W.G.) 7 3 
80 MFG family and descendants Private: (M.F.G.) 4 2 
81 MLG family and descendants Mary Louise Gooderham 7 3 
82 MMH family and descendants Private: (M.M.H.) 4 2 
83 MNWG family and descendants Marietta Nancy Wilson Gooderham 6 3 
84 MTR family and descendants Living: (M.T.R. b~) 1 0 
85 NCR family and descendants Private: (N.C.R.) 6 2 
86 PEG family and descendants Living: (P.E.G. b~) 4 2 
87 PEH family and descendants Living: (P.E.H. b~) 3 4 
88 PS family and descendants Living: (P.S. b~1955) 2 2 
89 PSG family and descendants Private: (P.S.G.) 4 2 
90 RCD Family and Descendants  Robert Charles Dawes 6 1 
91 RDW Jr. family and descendants Living: (R.D.W. b~1945) 2 1 
92 RDW Sr. family and decendants Private: (R.D.W.) 5 3 
93 RES Family and Descendants  Living: (R.E.S. b~1960) 1 1 
94 RKM family and descendants Private: (R.K.M.) 2 2 
95 RMG family and descendants Private: (R.M.G.) 5 2 
96 RMU family and descendants Private: (R.M.U.) 5 2 
97 RMW family and descendants Living: (R.M.W. b~) 0 0 
98 RWCG family and descendants Living: (R.W.C.G. b~1959) 1 0 
99 RWG family and descendants Living: (R.W.G. b~1948) 1 0 
100 RWM family and descendants Robert Warden McKimm 5 2 
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