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Matches 1 to 3 of 3 for First Name starts with MARIETTA AND Tree equals Gooderham -Worts

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree | Branch 
Duncanson, Lady Marietta Reford "Mary"
I511  b. 23 Sep 1863 Trenton, MI, USA  Gooderham -Worts | DRC family and descendants, EAW family and descendants, LNH family and descendants, JHW family and descendants, MEWG family and descendants, MFG family and descendants, MNWG family and descendants, Sir Alberts descendants, VAW family and descendants, William Gooderham and descendants
Gooderham, Marietta Isabel
I516  b. 4 Mar 1896 Toronto, ON, Canada  Gooderham -Worts | DRC family and descendants, LNH family and descendants, VAW family and descendants, William Gooderham and descendants, MNWG family and descendants, Sir Alberts descendants
Gooderham, Marietta Nancy Wilson
I795  b. 9 Jun 1917  Gooderham -Worts | LNH family and descendants, MNWG family and descendants, Sir Alberts descendants, William Gooderham and descendants

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