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Matches 1 to 3 of 3 for First Name starts with ELEANOR AND Tree equals Gooderham -Worts

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree | Branch 
Coppinger, Eleanor
I3681  b. 1869  Gooderham -Worts
Gooderham, Eleanor Gertrude
I153  b. 14 Dec 1870 Toronto, ON, Canada  Gooderham -Worts | MEA family and descendants, LNH family and descendants, William Gooderham and descendants, FDP family and descendants, Sir Alberts descendants
Gooderham, Eleanor Mary
I489  b. 30 Aug 1892 Toronto, ON, Canada  Gooderham -Worts | DBW Sr. family and descendants, LNH family and descendants, William Gooderham and descendants, JBW Jr. family and descendants, Sir Alberts descendants

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